The Whole Story

Recently I saw one of my photos being used on the web to perpetuate a skewed narrative. This post is to set the record laser-straight again and make sure people … Read More


The Angel of Death stepped close today.

Hosting Change

After many, many years with Indra’s Net hosting in Boulder, CO, I have decided to host at using their Managed WordPress hosting service, run by

In Memory of the Tree of Life

For the 11 killed in hate, let love of them live on. From Kaddish Yatom – Mourner’s Kaddish When I die give what’s left of me awayto children and old … Read More

Bittersweet Goodbye

It’s so hard to lose a dog. Tammi dreaded this for years and the day finally arrived.


Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.

Keep the Faith

You are my family, by blood, tears or laughter and I cherish you all.


Blessings come wrapped in tragedies. I thank God for my blessings and give honor to those gone beyond who await me now.

A Book Worthy to be Read

The dust that once buried me, dulled my vision,
now sparkles like so much glitter in the shards of light.