Folding socks

As I was doing laundry today, I sorted out my sock drawer and paired up the socks. As I did I folded over the neck of each pair to keep them together, unconciously imitating my friend Kate’s way of organizing them.

I realized as I did that I’ve ‘collected’ bits of behavior from all the people I know. A saying here, a mannerism there – each one a small homage to the person it came from.

At that moment it struck me that all the bits of Marilyn I’ve incorporated into myself were hurting because of her absence – and all the rest of me cried out with them.

Bit by bit I sort out the house, decide which of her things to keep and which to cast away. The choices are getting easier. I think partly because she’s slowly fading away.

As I mowed and watered today I could feel her looking over my shoulder.

I think she was smiling because her prized roses are being taken care of.

It’s okay Didi, I won’t let all your work go to waste.

It gives me a chance to touch the thing you loved most after me.

Somehow it was very comforting.

One thought on “Folding socks

  1. another beautiful insight. Thank you for sharing your grief journey. You’re very generous.

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