An Anatolian Shepherd Dog Guards This Home

Dozer, an Anatolian / English Shepherd mix

Entrance requires introduction, inspection and approval by ME. I am an Anatolian Shepherd dog. My bloodlines have guarded human homes for millenia. It is what we are.

There may be minor disputes about whom I allow. My Masters will generally default in my favor, we have an understanding of who has better instincts. If you take offense at this you are welcome not to visit again (I won’t forget in any event).

You will get from me what you bring; if you are fearful I will be suspicious, if you are angry I will be hostile, but if you are confident I will be an ally, if you are happy and boisterous I will be your eager playmate. Be warned, I can (and will) jump into your arms from a sitting pose if invited. I assume all the Masters in my home are aware of my strength and speed. Beware. I weigh over one hundred pounds and my standing embrace can be startling to a large man, let alone one of lesser stature. Call me up with care. No other dog will show you affection like me. Again, beware, it is addictive. It is why my breed has endured and flourished. If you are Approved I will lavish the same greeting on you that I do my Masters. And I will lay down my life to protect you.

No matter what, my Family is foremost. If you are violent to one of them, even in play, I may… intervene. Suddenly. Make sure my Family Member makes it clear to ME that it’s a game. Rough play is fine but if I barely know you, I won’t know HOW you play and I don’t second-guess. A play-bow never goes amiss with me. Even a few.

I have huge claws and razor-sharp teeth, so even playing I may hurt you a little. Not my fault you don’t have fur. I also have a double coat and shed – deal with it. Watch out, I will routinely tread on your feet trying to stay in reach. Being big and heavy I can be an oaf. You may stumble over me if you surprise me but I will always let you step over me without rising. For such a big dog I’m good at staying out of the way.

Once you’ve gotten to know me, you’ll see I am a Noble dog. Even when I’m sitting cross-legged at my Master’s side you can see the centuries of partnership in my breed. Shepherds of antiquity prized my uncanny senses, bear-like strength and terrifying speed. No predators survived entry to our camps. Humans feel safer around me for a reason. When I am defending my Family I have no fear and give no quarter.

The Anatolian shepherds made sure I could survive on just about anything – like them. I love to eat and I love it especially when you leave delicious treats out on the counter for me. I will always show my gratitude by eating every bite and begging for more later. I love the couch… and the bed. My favorite place is laying beside you or at your feet with my nose touching you. At the least I will take a position between you and the doorway. If there’s a high spot or stairway I will use that as a lookout. You’ll sleep in safety, as will your children. When you’re awake and the house is quiet I will sleep heavily unless you have work (or play!) for me.

I’m smarter than you think, faster than you would believe and often three steps ahead of you. When I bark at night it’s because I think there’s a threat. I will always obey a signal to be quiet, shepherds appreciated stealth but they wanted me to bark if there was real danger.

The modern world can be confusing to me sometimes…

For example, the sweeper? I’m gonna KILL that damn thing.

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